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He swore we needed the 8-ft bed.


And, after our trip to Ikea to bring home 8-ft long countertops, I had to concede that he was right.

This is Teague’s new baby, replacing the minivan whose days were surely numbered – when shifting from 1st to 2nd gear, it lurched so awkwardly the tires squealed nearly every time. NICE! I gotta give that van credit – it ran very well for a very long time. It’s original owner, my grandfather, would have been proud to see it used as a construction vehicle in it’s twilight years.

It’s great for hauling house stuff, hauling construction stuff, and peeking into everyone else’s cars. I am not excited about the extra gas and maintenance expenses involved with owning a truck, but I have to admit it sure is handy. And just wait till garage sale season…….

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