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Hurry up and wait


Teague has been hard at work on the drainage for the new foundation wall. He was happy to find that our ’93 minivan had enough power to haul 1600 pounds of concrete home from the local hardware store!

Now that the concrete has been poured, we’ve got to sit tight and wait for it to dry out.

In the meantime, we’re still debating what type of windows/doors we want to put in the back of the kitchen. I’m leaning toward double doors on the back wall, because they would let in tons of light and it’d be a convenient entrance off the driveway and the backyard. Teague would rather have a single door with a window on either side, so we’d have more room for cupboards and counters. We’re also hoping to put a small window in the pantry to open that space up and make the exterior of the house more balanced. Tonight after dinner we’re planning to hit up Home Depot and price out our options. Fun! (Till we turn over the price tags, I suppose)

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