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If I had a million dollars…..

Bathrooms, Inspiration

We’re gearing up to start our master bathroom soon, so I’ve been gathering design ideas and inspiration. We have approximately 1,254 “kitchen and bath” magazines lying around the house, which helps. They are pure house porn, fueling dangerous fantasies of the very best in fixtures and furniture. Similar to the way flipping through Cosmo leaves me daydreaming about $350 designer handbags, flipping through home magazines makes me long for $5,000 sink and vanity combos.

If we happen to get lucky in Vegas, I’ll be sure to purchase one of these beauties for the master bath:

Victorian washstand, Art Noveau

Victorian washstand, master bathroom

They’re both from a company called Catchpole and Rye – you can see many of their other products on their website, which is definitely worth a look!

Visit now:

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Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Kristin had this to say on 11.02.06:

OOooooh, pretty! I can definitely see why you like those.

colleen had this to say on 11.05.06:

mindy was just at our local sams club and found a 9×11 hand tied wool rug for only $200.00 was just a nice as the $$1100. one i bought 8 yrs ago. geez what a deal.
also not sure but was told by a co-worker that the swifter wet jet had anti freeze in the liq and was toxic to pets. at this point your not using the refills so shouldnt hurt yours. made me think that i realy needed to look at my cleaning products tho.
i liked the way you referred to the dec magazines. my husband will appreciate the humor .
back to the tub we have an old claw foot but the interior surface is chalky not sure what to do at this point any suggestions????

Mrs. Limestone had this to say on 02.01.07:

Swoon…i love those bathroom fixtures.

Am I just bleary eyed or are there no prices on that site? Any idea of cost?

Mindy had this to say on 02.02.07:

Mrs. Limsetone –

You’re right – no prices listed. Don’t you hate that? Though I bet they’d be happy to give them to you over the phone if you were interested!

I venture to guess the answer is “way too much for any of us to afford, unless we win the Powerball and take it all in one lump sum” ;)

BTW, everyone should go check out the pics of Mrs. Limestone’s new place, it’s fantastic!!! (Click on her name to visit her website)

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