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Kicking the bathroom’s ass

Major Projects, Master Bathroom

The bathroom may have thought it’d have plenty of time to settle in and enjoy life as an empty shell, but it was sadly mistaken. Obviously, it doesn’t know us well enough.

Teague had two days off in between construction jobs, so while I was at work sitting on my butt he was home leveling the floor. We basically shimmed out the entire thing with 2x4s trimmed to size, which is a technique we first used successfully in the kitchen pantry. Each 2×4 tapers as needed to follow the ups and downs of the floor. It looks a bit odd when you see it in pictures, but it works very well.
floor being leveled up

He also put in new shutoff valves and plumbing for the washer, complete with a fancy box to purdy it up a bit. I thought it would take us at least another solid weekend to get to this point, so in my mind we’re ahead of schedule. I think that might be a first.

laundry plumbing

I’m sure the progress will slow up as we get closer and closer to Christmas, with about eight jillion holiday parties to attend to and shopping yet to be finished. But shhhhhhhhh….. let me enjoy the moment!

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Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

donutboy had this to say on 12.06.06:

AHHHH yeah. We (I) am working on something very similar to you guys. I am currently taking up the floor and subfloor of an old kitchenette to build the master bath. Last weekend I took down a wall to open up a space for the master bedroom.

I will be following along….work hard and enjoy that miter saw!

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