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Let your dogs spy on the neighbors

Tips & Tools

Want to send your dog into violent fits of rage? For $29.95 you can install a “Pet Peek” in your privacy fence, so he can see every little leaf that blows past HIS property, and bark his head off accordingly.

Pet Peek: Let your dogs peek at the neighbors

Please tell me I’m not the only one that finds this product shot (complete with uber-serious guard dog) totally hysterical!

We were stupid enough to install picket fence for our two lovelies, so they have no trouble at all finding things to yap at. In fact, if Nero finds something extra exciting he can just shimmy himself through the bars to check it out. But if you’re stuck with a big old privacy fence and don’t really want that much privacy, you can buy your own Pet Peek here.  You could find all sorts of ways to freak out the neighbors with this thing.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Jennifer had this to say on 11.14.07:

My dogs would LOVE that. And I would HATE it. Since I’m paying the bills, I win.

I can’t believe ANYONE thought that was a good idea! The inventor must NOT have dogs.

Trissa had this to say on 11.15.07:

Okay- the weird thing about this photo is that privacy fences are usually pretty tall, but they have the “pet peek” at the top. I’m sure it’s so the picture shows it’s a fence, but it’s pretty funny.

Becky had this to say on 11.16.07:

Wow, that must be fun to clean all the nose prints and slobber off, too!

Do they make them in extra-mini size for your doggies?

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