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More demolition (we’re on a roll!)

First-Floor Basics

Normal 20-something couples spend their Friday nights going to nice dinners, watching movies, hitting the bars… but oh, not us. No, we spent our Friday night swinging sledgehammers in the living room.

It all started when I brought home a funky green velvet couch from the Rescue Mission. The conversation that followed went something like this:

Him: “The couch looks funny like that. If we take down the closets, it’ll look a lot better.”
Me: “Now?”
Him: “Sure.”
Me: “Are you serious? It’s almost midnight.”
Him: “I don’t think it’ll be too bad.”
Me: “Ok, I’m game. But the next time you complain about having too many projects going at once, you better remember whose idea this was.”

Here’s what it looked like before (ignore the nastiness and focus on the closets, please):


An hour later, one closet was gone and our living room was covered with broken plaster and wood splinters. We called it quits after about an hour, and left the mess as is.

So, in the morning, we got to sip our coffee while looking at this:


Teague finished the job on Saturday while I carried used 2×4’s and salvageable drywall chunks down into the basement. I can’t swing a hammer hard enough to knock anything down, so demolition isn’t one of my strengths.

Now two couches fit nicely into our living room, and it’s lost that “reclaimed bedroom” look. Yeehaw!

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Kristin had this to say on 03.01.05:

It’s good to hear that closet demolition doesn’t take too long … we have some of that in our future, too. Geez, I bet I can’t swing a hammer hard enough either. I can barely work a power drill.

Graham had this to say on 03.02.05:

Funny how a new piece of furniture will do that…

Jess had this to say on 03.02.05:

Bah, who wants to be “normal” anyway. :-)

Anonymous had this to say on 02.28.06:

whats up

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