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Moving Day Photos

Photo Gallery

Click on the link below to view photos from our closing and moving days…

The house numbers on our front door. We’ve got to find a replacement for the missing 1, because these are too cool to get rid of.

Teague’s niece checking out the structural integrity of the living room door.

Cody and Teague taking a breather

Teague’s mom (Geri) ripping up carpet tack. Notice the lovely doorway…

Cleaning the kitchen…. including the repulsive puddle of meat juice that was left at the bottom of the fridge. Thanks, moms!!

Don’s cobweb-covered hat. It got that way while checking out the basement mid-morning, and he left the house with them still attached.

Teague in front of the window he broke… he walked straight into it while carrying a chair. He swears he was watching a plastic bag blow by, but we think he was ogling the neighbor’s Camaro. Either way, it was only plexiglass so not a big loss.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Gram had this to say on 12.05.04:

I’m really enjoying following your week to week adventures in your new home. The dining room looks great-love the colors!
My friend Gerry invited us to go to Jumbolair Fly In (of course we autoed in)Brunch to celebrate her 70th Birthday. Eight of us went and she treated. A representitative of an R.V. manufacturer had a 45ft. model there that was open for viewing. It only cost one million plus. Of course your Grandfather wanted one so I told him that I would start buying lottery tickets. This one was unbelievable-marble stairs,floors, 2 bathrooms, a washer and dryer,,wide screen TV in bedroom and a TV on the outside to watch in your lawn chairs. Hard to really describe. If your Mother and Father get here by the 2nd of January we will take them to the brunch. While I was talking to the rep. I asked him if it would be on display next month and said that I would like my daughter and son-in-law to see it to which he answered If they’re going to come I will bring it. He probably thought he had some hot prospects. So I said Oh no don’t bring it just for that purpose as I wasn’t sure that they would be here. He said that was O.K. it was a good place to show it off anyway. Lots of money floating around there.
It was a fun day but also a sad day as Gerrys’husband didn’t come and we learned that they are separating and Gerry will be leaving December l7 and not coming back. I will miss her a lot.
We are really looking forward to your Mom and Dads visit. I hope it will be warm for them. All next week it is going to be in the low 80’s and they’re heating the outdoor pool for the holidays.
Guess that’s all for now.
P.S. be sure that you keep the rooms well ventilated when you’re using paint etc. as the fumes can be harmful.
Love Gram

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