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Pantry plans


We’re too busy working on upstairs “quick fixes” to worry about our kitchen progress right now, but that doesn’t stop me from daydreaming about my pantry – which is still lacking shelves, so isn’t being used yet.

When we do get around to pimping it out, my top organization requirements are:

1. A place to store and sort recyclables. I’m thinking of using 3 narrow garbage cans – one for paper, one for plastic, and one for cans. Labeled, of course, because I am into the labeling of things.

2. Bins or baskets for potatoes, apples, bananas etc.

3. A few deep shelves for storing all those mini-appliances we never use, like the breadmaker with 1/2″ of dust on it.

4. Slots for keeping cookie sheets, platters, etc organized.

Here’s a graphic I found on Google that has two great features – the slots, and hanging baskets for fruits/veggies:

If you’re looking for some nice organizing toys, try these sites:
Stacks and Stacks
Organize Everything
Lillian Vernon

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Greg had this to say on 11.22.05:

I was just thinking about this same thing last night. I have my new kitchen but no place for recycling. Right now they get set on the floor near the back door until I get tired of looking at them. My plan is to use The Butler’s Pantry for this. I don’t see a butler in my future so I might as well use the space for something else. Unfortunately, it will be a few years before I get to “pimp out” :-) the Butler’s Pantry for more modern needs. Naturally, what ever I build will look like it’s always been there. I wander what a Victorian Recycling Center would look like?

Heidi had this to say on 11.23.05:

Oooh! Thanks for those links–that’s a pantry dream come true! Heh, if only I had a pantry! And I forgot about Lillian Vernon, I didn’t know that company was still around!

sarahjane had this to say on 11.26.05:

What great ideas for pantry organization. I love all the baskets and different sized compartments and shelves. I also love the idea of wire baskets so that you can keep things contained, yet still see what is inside. Especially for things like fruits and vegetables. Thanks for the webstie recommendations, it is always nice when someone else does your research for you. I will keep checking in on your progress. Meanwhile, good luck finishing with the upstairs.

Terry Porter had this to say on 03.09.07:

I am looking for design ideas for an irregular-shaped walk-in pantry. It looks like a diamond shape that has the top and bottom cut off. Currently have wire shelves running from left to right and only halfway from fron to back. Looking to utilize more of the space. Any suggestions?

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