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Party On


We’ve been in our house nearly a year, so I guess it’s about time we have a “housewarming”, eh? We didn’t want to scare our closest friends and family from ever visiting, so we waited until the cat pee smell died down and the walls were hole-free (downstairs at least). Now that we’re more comfortable with our progress, we’re ready to open our doors. Though, I’m pretty sure I’m locking the upstairs bathroom door so no one sees we’re still showering with moldy expandofoam ;)

Everyone’s invited to come see the Fixer Upper live and in person on October 22nd. The party starts at 1, and goes till y’all get tired of us.

Incidentally, the looming house party has been a great motivator…. if you’re in a fix-it rut, just plan a little get together. You’ll be amazed at how many projects get finished this way.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Kristin had this to say on 10.07.05:

I wish I lived nearby. I would definitely take you up on the invite! :)

And I agree about fixing up stuff because you’re having people over. We always get a burst of work done before gatherings, however small.

Sue Willey had this to say on 10.08.05:

Hi Mindy and Teague,

We are coming to your party but may be a little late due to Annabelle’s soccer game. Couldn’t figure out how to reply to my sister’s evite so hope you get this. If not I will call in a few days. Aunt Sue Will be great to see your M & D

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