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Period Kitchens


So, though the framing hasn’t even started, my mind can’t help but wander to thoughts of our someday-kitchen. We went it to look somewhat historic, but above all it must be FUNCTIONAL. I’m sure we’ll piece out the renovation over years and years, but the brainstorming phase is my favorite so I dug up some good links….

Location Works is a website for, well, finding good locations for something like a movie or photo shoot. But check out their findings for period kitchens, and you’ll fall in love with this site! They also have sections devoted to historic bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. has a “style matcher” for historic periods and the style choices that would follow into the kitchen. They even have a page devoted to Italianates, which surprised me!

Crabtree Kitchens, a UK based company, has an interesting portfolio of work including this Victorian-inspired design:

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Trissa had this to say on 03.29.05:

That’s quite a site, Mindy! It’s fun to see the variety in kitchens and I checked out the bathroom pictures as well. Thanks for the link!

Heather had this to say on 03.29.05:

We are trying to figure out the best use of space in our 10 x 11 bungalow kitchen. The links you provided are great. I’m always looking for new ideas to try and pull the vintage into the 21st century.

Alex had this to say on 03.30.05:

Check out crownpoint cabinetry. They are amazing, and amazingly expensive, but they are the best at what they do. Bill over at Enon Hall is using them for his kitchen. So if you can save of $20K for cabinets, I would go with them :-) They design service is especially sensitive to providing functionality while maintaining a feeling of historical correctness.

mindy had this to say on 03.31.05:

Mmmm, CrownPoint – yes, they do have beautiful stuff. Great for inspiration and ideas, but unfortunately not even remotely in our price range! Are you guys using them?

Alex had this to say on 04.01.05:

We may use Crownpoint, not sure yet. I love their stuff, but they are not local, so that becomes a wrinkle for a DIY project. There is a local Kitchen & Bath place that has free design services, and fully custom cabinets that is really nice. Same type of stuff as crownpoint. We are using them for the bathroom that we will do, more for their design services, so we will see how they do with that.

michael fahey had this to say on 12.19.06:

There is nothing like the real thing. We used to visit open houses for ideas. Whether houses for sale or during some fund raisers that are frequently held in this area (San Jose), you can see similar size and styles..

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