We’ve been in drywall-dust-hell for a few weeks now, perfecting the craft room walls and ceilings with multiple rounds of light skim coats and even lighter sanding. Every time I sand, even if it’s only a small little section, I have to shower immediately afterwards because I come out looking like the White Witch of Narnia. It’s a major time-suck.
Yesterday, home alone with the whole day in front of me, my plan of action was:
1. Finish the last round of sanding for both the ceiling and the walls
2. Prime the ceiling and walls
3. Hit the gym for a nice long de-stress run
The hitch was this… I didn’t want to sand, paint, shower, run, and then shower again. Why shower before a sweatfest? So I decided to find a way to protect my gorgeous mane.
I always wear a baseball cap, but that doesn’t help much because I have too much hair to tuck up into it. Yesterday, I got more creative and found the perfect hair protector. Pretty, it ain’t – but it worked like a charm!
I wore my dollar-store shower cap (originally purchased so I could soak in the tub without getting frizzies – I have naturaly wavy hair that does funny things in humidty) while I worked. After 2 hours of over-the-head sanding and another 3 hours of priming, I’m happy to report that not an ounce of drywall dust got through.
Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback
Now that’s what’s known as using your head :)
I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but Home Depot (and other places) sell a drywall sanding setup which attaches to your vacuum cleaner. Normally the drywall dust would clog and destroy a cleaner’s bag or filter, but this setup runs the drywall dust through a bucket of water first, which traps the dust. The vacuum only is there to suck the dust into the water. It’s noisy and a bit cumbersome, but it works well and cuts down on about 75% or more of the dust.
Can’t. Stop. Laughing. I’m just imagining a knock on the door, a momentary lapse where you forget that you have that cap on, the look of shock on your visitor’s face. Very cute!!
My neighbors are no strangers to seeing me in a flannel shirt and pajama bottoms with a dust mask perched on top of my head. I’m sure Teague can handle the shower cap. :)
“glamour in and out of the shower” … that kills me!
walk sand like an egyptian?
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