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Santa was good to us


We got some great gifts for Christmas this year, including some perfect picks for our house. I’m dying to take a trip out to Historic House Supply to use our gift certificates from Teague’s parents. I’ve been stalking this store for months, and now we actually get to buy something there. Yeehaw!

My new pride and joy, a 20gb Apple iPod from my parents, is great for keeping me happy while working on house projects. I listened to The Shins yesterday while wandering around Home Depot, and The Postal Service while intalling curtain rods in the kitchen. It beats the radio any day, and it doesn’t get in my way while I’m working. Now, if I get aroung to buying House in Progress’ “Old House Music” playlist, I’ll be all set!

My brother gave us Dance Dance Revolution for Playstation, so our coffee table has been replaced by two big dance pads. This game is the best stress-buster EVER. Santa also brought us a fire-safe box to put our mortgage documents in. I painted Teague a polyurethane ceiling medallion for the dining room, and he made me the most amazing pen & ink drawing of our house. It was a house-centric holiday, and we loved every minute of it.

Here is the ceiling medallion:

And here’s Teague’s house drawing: (sorry for the flash glare – this pic does not come close to doing it justice.)

(click for larger)

At my family’s Christmas party, I learned that we have a lot of visitors I didn’t even know about. So hello to everyone who’s stopping by to keep up on our progress – and thanks for the moral support!

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

merideth had this to say on 12.28.04:

dude. ipod. jealous.

(i dont even need one, but still. dude. jealous.)

mindy had this to say on 12.28.04:


Does anyone really need such high tech wizardry? Probably not. But am I drooling all over it this very moment out of sheer joy? Yes, yes I am. I have been waiting to get my hands on one for a long time, and I have to say that so far I think it’s worth the hefty price tag.

And the packaging….*swoon*. As a designer, I’m sure you’d appreciate it!

Kristin had this to say on 12.28.04:

iPod mania has struck at Fixer Upper, I see. There’s been a lot of that going around at work. I am too lazy to convert to that technology just yet, though I probably should now that I’m commuting. Instead I threaten to end my life and that of several other drivers by digging around to change CDs in my car.

merideth had this to say on 12.28.04:

the packaging is gorgeous…we got the 20gig for my dad-in-law this xmas…i say again…dude. jealous.

BUT we are using our itunes to broadcast music to our stereo via our wireless network…now that is workin the technology ;)

Sandy had this to say on 10.17.07:

The pen & ink drawing of the house is just beautiful. So talented!

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