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Tech Break: WP 2.0 and Ultimate Tag Warrior 3.141


This is for all you WordPress bloggers out there…. everyone else can ignore the geekery to follow.

A few weeks ago, I upgraded WordPress (the software this site runs on) to version 2.0 – about a week later, I noticed that my tags (keywords chosen by me to help you all find related content – see the links next to “similar posts” at the bottom of every post I write) were disappearing. But only after someone commented on the post. Weird, right?

I found the solution, and luckily it’s an easy fix.

If you’re having the same problem, open up ultimate-tag-warrior-actions.php and ultimate-tag-warrior-actions-wordpress2.php (found in your UTW plugin folder).

Find this line:

function ultimate_save_tags($postID)

and add the following directly below it:

if (!is_admin()) return $postID;
if (!isset($_POST[‘tagset’])) return $postID;

You’ll have to re-add tags where they disappeared, but old ones show up just fine.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Victoria had this to say on 03.28.07:

Say wha??? lol You really understand all that? I’m so computer illiterate it’s not even funny. I just learned how to make clickable links and add a list of blogs I read to my sidebar! My daughter was home for spring break so I made her teach me!

Glad you were able to fix your problem. Maybe someday I’ll be able to be my own tech support :)

Ben had this to say on 03.29.07:

not sure if it was intentional or not, but using www in from of doesn’t work any more. might have been something with the upgrade. just thought you’d like to know.

Mindy had this to say on 03.29.07:

Victoria – I wasn’t always this geeky but 4 years at RPI will do that to a person. I work as a web developer/designer so I can talk jargon with the best.

Ben – Weird, the www URL is working fine for me in Firefox and IE. Anyone else having that problem?

Ben had this to say on 04.02.07:

works for me now. odd.

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