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The amazing multiplying peony bush


Multiplying peony bush

Last year, I bought a peony bush with 2 scrawny little blooms on it. This year, it grew exponentially. At last count, it had about 15 big flowers with other small blooms working themselves out. I know they’ll all start flopping over soon from the weight of such large flowers, but right now I’m just enjoying this huge splash of color every time I come up the front walk.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Kristin had this to say on 06.26.07:

I’m so jealous! I bought a peony a couple of years ago, and it has produced probably two blooms ever! :) Of course, I totally neglect it.

mitzi beavers had this to say on 04.30.08:

Does anybody know about the ants on the peony buds? Are they supposed to stay there or not? I’ve heard both. Thanks, Mitzi

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