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The Boathouse: Furniture that makes me want a log cabin


Contemplating the great outdoors

Our fall has, thus far, been one of the nicest in recent memory. We’ve had weeks of warmer-than-usual temperatures (tomorrow might hit 80!) and very little rain. It hardly feels like fall at all, except for the obvious reminders – pumpkins and potted mums on everyone’s front steps, leaves floating lazily to the ground with every stiff breeze, and the high school football players sporting jerseys on their way in to school in the morning. We’re still working hard NOT to work on the house; it’s a tough habit to break, but it’s getting easier by the day.

This past weekend, my mother and father rolled into town. They’re full-time RV’ers, and the last time they were at our house was over 2 years ago. Needless to say, they barely recognized the place. When we bought it, I know they worked very hard to appear optimistic and not to let on just how awful they thought it was.  Now, without holes in the walls and cat pee in the carpets, they can see what we saw all along.

With the weather so beautiful and the Adirondack leaves nearly peaking, we decided we’d head north for a day. We spent a few hours wandering around Old Forge and Inlet, climbing Bald Mountain, and appreciating fall in New York State.

The Boathouse, a great home store in Inlet NY

While in Inlet, we stopped at a store called The Boathouse. It’s right in the center of town and Inlet is a VERY small town, so you really can’t miss it. The store is owned by friends of my parents, two wonderful people named Dale and Paula who have truly great taste in home decor.  Unlike the sometimes-tacky “country moose and bear” decor of most Adirondack shops, they stock furniture that is rustic, organic, breezy and elegant.

Furniture from The Boathouse, Inlet NY

I wanted to bring many things home to my in-laws, who own a charming log cabin in the woods which they built themselves from logs right on the lot.  It would all look so perfect in their house!

Furniture from The Boathouse, Inlet NY

I especially like this large “tchoctchke holder” (I know there’s a better way to say that, but I can’t spell any of them!) and the tree branch coffee table. Maybe some day, when we can afford furniture from someplace other than tag sales and the Salvation Army, we’ll find a way to work a rustic piece into our own decor.  If you happen to be near Inlet I definitely suggest stopping by The Boathouse for a peek!

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Dale & Paula Stanton had this to say on 05.22.08:

Hi Mindy & Teague,

I was working today to ready the store for a busy weekend when my Landords mentioned something about pictures of the Boathouse and the internet. Adele of the Inlet Town Information office mentioned this to Reggie (the Ms. part of our Landlords/friends). Adele surfs the web for anything “Inlet”, and visited your website as a result. Thanks so much for you nice comments. It means a lot.
We know that we are at the point where we need a website and if you are still interested/willing, we would appreciate you taking us on as clients. I know that I mentioned e-commerce, but the truth is that we first need a good, solid website built by someone who knows us and cares. We would be so pleased and greatful if you would consider helping us with this.
Please let us know if you are still involved in this work and is you might have the time. Just so you know, we travelled to a show in Atlanta in January, and have added several lines to the store. We are very excited about several lines but one most especially It’s furniture called Eddy West. It’s pricey, but can influence an entire room/home with just one piece.
At any rate, please let us know if you would be interested in developing a website for us. Don’t feel bad if your schedule is too full. There is a local guy who does this work, so do it if you want to…not because you Feel like you have to.

Let us know.

Take care.

Dale & Paula

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