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The Purple One-Piece Toilet

Bathrooms, Inspiration, Photo Gallery

In all my years of house voyeurism, I have never seen a bathroom with features like this:

Purple one-piece art-deco toilet

Notice that this is a one-piece – some serious flushing cabability!
Purple art-deco sink

See the matching light fixtures, shelf bracket, towel rod, etc? I was amazed it was all a perfect match AND still intact, given that the house has changed hands a few times. Lucky!
Purple Ceramic light fixture

Even the ceiling fixture matches! How cute is that?

Purple art-deco tub

The pièce de ré·sis·tance, a giant purple tub.

These photos are from the home of a fellow fixer-upper couple we met this week. I thank them for sharing their house, both with us and the blogosphere. They also have an all-pink bathroom downstairs – pink wall tile, pink tub and toilet, pink mosaic floor tile, and super cool hollywood-style mirror. I can’t believe that both bathrooms are still intact with the original fixtures – it was pretty amazing to see.
These one-piece toilets were apparently “Cadillac” of toilets in their day, and appear to be from the late 20’s – early 30’s. This page has more info on the style:

I think this bathroom proves that if you’re going to do something stylized, you might as well do it all the way…. right down to the towel-bar holder!

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Shannanigan had this to say on 06.30.06:

Oh my God… I LOVE them. You think I’m joking… but I’m not. You should see my Peachy Fish tile bathroom. :)

I hope they aren’t trashing them…

mindylaw had this to say on 06.30.06:

Oh no – they LOVE their bathroom fixtures, and are renovating around that style. With fun stuff, like the hex tiles over by the sink ;)

So no worries, those babies are staying there for a good long while. And I wasn’t being sarcastic when I wrote the post – I too love them. The toilet is so damn stylish!

Shannanigan had this to say on 06.30.06:

Oh thats good… because its freakin’ sweet! Most people today just don’t appreciate colored appliances and plumbing fixtures. Its all white, almond, black stainless… boring boring. And if there is a color its Hunter Green. And thats so 90’s… and not in a cool way. LOL!

Greg had this to say on 06.30.06:

That is Ultra-Cool! They must get a purple toilet seat.

Tommy had this to say on 06.30.06:

Is it kosher to post about my own bathroom? I’m sooo glad that it looks cleaner than it was (is)! I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I stopped at the side of the road tonight and picked up a toilet. It’s another CASE! It’s a model 4000, circa 1972 in umm… well… powder blue. Frankly, it’s not as elegant as the “Kidney” toilet, but apparently it is the rarest Case toilet made. I can’t believe I just posted that I stopped by the side of the road and picked up a toilet. Gross.

jf.sellsius had this to say on 07.01.06:

My sister loves purple so I sent her the link & she LOVED it.

I’m adding you to our blogroll so our readers can enjoy your blog too. good luck

sellsius real estate

Elizabeth had this to say on 07.01.06:

My last apartment had a tankless toilet. The building used to be an apartment hotel, so I thought that might have been the reason why. I took pictures of it before I moved out. I’m sure the photo development people were a bit puzzled as to why I was taking pictures of a toilet.

Gary had this to say on 07.01.06:

Barney would be very comfortable in that room!
Purple is the color of royalty. At one time it could only be worn by royalty. I guess the neighbors have a royal flush!

mindylaw had this to say on 07.03.06:

Gary – Gives new meaning to “the throne”, eh?

jf – Thanks for the link!

Tommy – Perfecty acceptable to post about your own toilet. We do it all the time! Blog world, meet Tommy – owner of the aforementioned purple bathroom. I can’t believe you found a rarity on the side of the road. That’s hilarious! Must be there was a Case Mfg. dealer making regular rounds in your neighborhood. Or everone saw your bathroom and ran out to get their own colorful setups?

Jocelyn had this to say on 07.04.06:

I also would have to keep that were it in my home- too marvelous. What a conversation piece.

Laurie had this to say on 07.07.06:

Oh – I am in love with that sink. It’s just like in all the old magazines. AND that light is to die for. I so wish I knew what our bathroom had before the 70’s came along…

Kristin had this to say on 07.13.06:

Oh, how cute! Plus, a room that color-coordinated makes me think fondly of the person who must’ve lived in the house originally. I can just imagine him/her picking everything out and wanting everything just so.

Catherine had this to say on 08.22.06:

That’s just fabulous. Don’t you want to take a bubble bath and dress for dinner when you see something like that? I do! Thanks for sharing.

Linda had this to say on 09.27.06:

I just moved into a house that has a purple toilet and bath tub. I love it! It’s been fun buying furnishings for it. The current seat is padded and matches but you know how those seats start to crack and need replaced. Does anyone know where I can find a purple replacement seat?

regina had this to say on 02.15.07:

Hi –

I was just on ebay searching for a purple toilet, and saw a lovely lavendar purple toilet seat cover. It’ looked brand-new still in the packaging. We are creating a powder room downstairs, and I am desparately seeking a purple toilet and sink, does anyone know where I can find one, new or old?

Val had this to say on 03.03.07:

I am renting a house with baby blue fixtures in the bathroom, toilet, bathtub, sink. Problem is that the toilet tank has a crack and we are worried it will leak and break all the way through. Is there a way to repair and save this? OR, does ANYONE know where to get a baby glue toilet tank??

Val had this to say on 03.03.07:

Sorry, forgot to say we are in Eugene Oregon. Thanks all!

Laura had this to say on 09.26.07:

had quite a thrill when I saw your purple bathroom. I also have a purple bathtub (a Kohler from 1929) plus matching soap dish and fixtures. Unfortunately the toilet & pedestal sink are long gone. Nice to know there are others who also appreciate….

Granny had this to say on 11.29.07:

I actually bought a house in Northern California that had maroon and I do mean Maroon fixtures! They were Kohler, but too hard to hard to live with so i eventualy replaced them.

Mimi Cat had this to say on 01.12.08:

That is the most gorgeous toilet I have ever seen and I’d give you mucho $$$ for it, but I bet you wouldn’t sell it for all the tea in China! Man alive! Woowee! and Shazaam! With that purple tub, you are going to have the dreamiest bathroom in the country! Some glass tiles would really set that thing off…….

Craig had this to say on 01.14.08:

I have both a purple and a blue bathroom. The purple one has sink, toilet, two soap dishes and towel bars and a tub…. all in glorious purple. Its a wonder that it as all there and has not been whacked with large hammer over the years. Even the toilet bolts covers are purple. The blue set up is the same minus the tub. That bathroom has a shower stall.

I want to remodel both bathrooms… well actually my wife mentioned something along the lines of “get that freakin’ purple and blue crap out of the house or I’m leaving.” Being the loving husband that I am I must remove them and update the rooms. Maybe someone might want to have them.

Christine had this to say on 06.23.09:

my mom has this tub! we grew up with the purple tub, sink and toilet. sink & toilet have been gone for a while but she’s still got the tub and is getting ready to tear it out. anyone want a purple tub?

suzy had this to say on 07.13.09:

If you still have a purple bathroom suite available I’d be really interested. Thanks!

tshawn had this to say on 10.18.09:

Believe it or not, my bathroom is purple as well. Purple sink, tub, toilet, tile on the walls 3/4 up (the rest of the wall is painted purple). Wood cabinets with black formica countertop. My grandparents built the house.

jayj had this to say on 10.25.09:

i lookeup purple toilets on google for no reason, i was just bored.. so now i’m gonna look up green toilets :D

diane had this to say on 02.04.12:

If you have a lilac toilet for sell, please let me know. Thanks

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