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Tired, cold, and uninspired.


Hmmph. I think the two weeks of rain, combined with the super-big-push to get stuff done before our house party, topped off with a freezing cold house (to keep our bills low) has taken away every ounce of motivation I once had.

Since last I posted, we’ve done next to nothing house-related. I raked the lawn yesterday, and picked out some curtains to keep our french doors insulated, but other than that – ZIP. Teague’s been busy with work, and I’ve been busy warming the couch.

The same piece of molding has been sitting on our kitchen floor for about a week now, surrounded by sawdust. And you know what? I don’t care! I’m sure my motivation will come back sometime soon, but until then I’m enjoying being lazy.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Kristin had this to say on 10.31.05:

I feel the same way. Our house has been frigid, so I’ve spent most of my time curled up on the couch under a blanket with the kitties.

Maria had this to say on 10.31.05:

I hear ya, sister!! LOL This weather, save the past two days, has been the pits! This has got to be the worst October I can remember in Central NY! Here’s praying for a mild November.

Hang in there…

Nick had this to say on 10.31.05:

Maybe your motivation ran off with mine? I bet they’re having a party.

Greg had this to say on 10.31.05:

Enjoy it while it lasts. I think I’m cold blooded the way my motivation drops along with the temperature.

JimV had this to say on 11.01.05:

Sometimes you just have to lay around and warm up the couch.

Its been a busy summer for us, and I finally got a week long vacation a few weeks back, and I would say that I was horizontal at least 85% of the entire week.

Besides, sometimes its good to relax and get your mind off of the project. It helps me to see things with a fresh start sometimes.

mindy had this to say on 11.02.05:

Glad I’m not the only one slacking – it sure feels like it though, when I read all your blogs!!

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