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Why my cough will not be improving any time soon….


This is what the kitchen looked like after I sanded down a section of the ceiling patched with sheetrock compound:


At least I was wearing a mask this time. And now the ceiling is smooth AND primed with two coats of Killz. Yeehaw.

We’re pushing through as many projects as possible before AllState comes to inspect the house – they’ll be visiting in “a week to two weeks”, so time is not on our side. This Wednesday we’re going to start replacing the wiring on the first floor, which along with the rest of our fixes should put us in good standing with our new insurance company. It’s a good thing we’re both young and healthy, because the work we’re doing is definitely putting our bodies to the test. Not to mention the effects of all this added stress. But on the plus side, we watch a lot less mind-numbing television.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

merideth had this to say on 01.10.05:

i am so going to need to know how the rewiring goes…beth and i were just today deciding if it’s something we can do ourselves…take good notes…we’re going to need a lesson…

jenne had this to say on 01.10.05:

Wish I was there to help. I hate feeling rushed with house projects. And it’s frustrating that the only people who help us with the house live in another state [Rob’s parents] Good luck!

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