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Author Archive

Put ’em to work early

There’s no escaping work here at Fixer-Upper. Even if you’re a guest. And a baby. This beautiful babe visited us last night, and managed to find every single safety hazard in our backyard in a matter of minutes. Garden spade… ladder… big hunk of wood resting against the shed.. yep, she found them all. I […]

White picket fence

We finally got some rain-free weekend weather, so after three days of half-hearted painting, we’re about 1/10th of the way to a white picket fence. We’re using Olympic solid stain in “Snowflake” (white, but not completely glaring) – because, as one of our readers helpfully pointed out, stain won’t flake or peel the way paint […]

Antique Porch Railings on Craigslist

Hey all, found something on the Syracuse area Craigslist that I had to share with you – some very cool antique porch railings at a reasonable price – $500 OBO. (Have you been to the salvage yards? Cause, yikes – these would probably cost 2-3x what this seller is asking.) SELLER SAYS: These one-of-a-kind railings […]

Photos – Best of the best

As an admitted house voyeur, I know that pictures are the best part of any good house blog. It’s like peeking in all your neighbors’ windows without the fear of getting caught. That’s why I sit around and obsessively organize our Flickr albums. Well, also because I’m an anal person and I like to see […]

Reader Question: Clawfoot tub not sitting right

Alright, housebloggers – maybe one of you can help a homeowner in need. One of our commentors wrote in with this question: I just refinished a clawfoot bath tub with one problem the feet won’t stay in the grooves I was wondering if you had any suggestions… Please help??? -Ricci Our tub came with it’s […]

Installing a Fence: Layout & Setting Posts

On Saturday we returned to our roots and put in an all-out, full-throttle, no-holds-barred day of work at the house. Back in the day when we were young and fresh, we’d do at least one of these every weekend. We regularly knocked out 24+ hours of work on our two days off, but that was […]

Remind her of home

Got a hip house-loving mother to buy a gift for? (Mother’s Day is Sunday, don’t forget!) I saw these on  Etsy today and had to share: They are handcrafted “This Way Home” earrings by The Muses Jewels. I think they’re very cute, and can represent both a house and an arrow pointing you home. There’s […]

Clawfoot tub for sale

No, we haven’t grown tired of our own (extremely luxurious to soak in) clawfoot tub. But we have friends who aren’t quite as thrilled with the style as we are. They are getting ready to remodel their bathroom, and they are saying goodbye to their clawfoot tub. It’s a great tub – I’ve seen it […]

Picket Fence, Take 2

We decided most definitely NOT to paint the exterior of our house this year (time and money being two key factors) but that doesn’t mean we’ll be slacking off all season. Some type of progress must be made, because right now I don’t know what to do with myself when the weekend rolls around there […]

Psssst…. vote for us!

We have entered a remodeling blogging contest over at The voting just opened up, so now would be a great time to show us some love and go vote! And then if you really love us, you can vote again every day for the next 4 months because the contest runs until September 1st. […]